Saturday, October 24, 2009

Further Research and References

This is the twenty-first post in a series entitled Currency, Money and the Economy.

All of the information in this series of posts may be eye-opening and overwhelming to you. It certainly caught me off guard when first reading about this myself. However, believe it or not, the information I have provided barely scratches the surface. There are many more books and websites that dive deeper into each subject we have touched upon. Below is a list of references for you to begin your own research.

Back in a previous EBFLC essay titled “The Long Road Ahead,” I gave you some general rules to guide you during the recession. Rule #1 was to assume nothing and question everything. Never take anything from a financial “expert” at face value, including myself. Always question what they are trying to tell you and come to your own conclusions on how it affects your own personal economic situation. Some of the information provided in these posts may have unnerved you. If that is the case, then I hope you will do your own research and continue the search for answers. You will find no lack of arguments for and against the data provided in these posts. Hopefully you will find answers such that you can come up with a plan that suits your economic needs.

Empire of Debt: The Rise of an Epic Financial Crisis by William Bonner and Addison Wiggin
I.O.U.S.A. by Addison Wiggin and Kate Incontrera (companion to the documentary)
Guide to Investing in Gold & Silver: Protecting Your Financial Future by Michael Maloney

I.O.U.S.A. (available on DVD)


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